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Serevi Selects in Fiji

From Irene Gardner:

The Serevi Selects landed in Fiji yesterday. Among the squad are All Blues Lucy Croy, Erin Overcash (AB 7s), and I. Fiji is beautiful! The people and culture are warn, welcoming, and everywhere we go we are greeted with smiles, waves and “bula!” (hello). Sponsored by Serevi Rugby, we are wearing our gear around and receiving quite the warm welcomes. Serevi is a hero here in Fiji and will be inducted into the Fiji Rugby Hall of Fame this weekend. We got to go to a school yesterday and play rugby w the kids. Today we visited 2 schools, were we worked with the girls. There are few girls teams, but schools are trying to add rugby for girls. The kids of all ages, little thru HS are so genuinely excited about visitors and rugby! So many smiling faces. They don’t have much- they play barefoot on swampy fields, with not a worry in mind. The girls team that recently started up practices w coconuts because they don’t have rugby balls.

The Warwick Resort is amazing! Beautiful grounds…on the beach! They are certainly spoiling us here. Literally walk down the stairs, past the pool and there’s the sand and Pacific. It’s quite surreal. Having the opportunity to go into schools and work with the students was an unforgettable experience. We also toured the US Embassy today.

Tomorrow we have our first game @ 2:40pm (which is 5:40pm Wednesday for you). I am still not sure if it will be streamed. The game tomorrow we are playing on the main field so it may be streamed. You can check at

We play one game tomorrow then 3 Saturday and 2 Sunday!

Thanks for your support!




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